the real life,
You know me I have a big mouth. I made my decision that I don't want to be a witness fairly recently. I felt like thoughts and facts were pouring over and I couldn't keep shut. I'm sure some people think it's not that big of a deal which is why I like this site so I can talk about things and people totally get it. I can't help but tell people whenever religion or holidays comes up. I've told a lot of work members that I don't celebrate most holidays (I work in the school system and holidays come up alot) because I was raised a JW (most have heard of the religion) I usually follow that with a "I'm not sure how I feel about them now, but I guess I still don't celebrate them accept for birthdays." I've recently decided a birthday is no different than a weddinng anniversary to me and it doesn't say not to in the bible anyways. I also recently started telling my friends and non-JW family "Happy Birthday" on Facebook and I don't really care if one of my JW family members sees or hears about it. (My Mom has my cousins on her Facebook account). We don't have a relationship anyways and I've decided I just want to be myself and not hide too much.
I don't have deep conversations about it with any non-believers unless they actually seem interested though. One co-worker of mine kept asking me questions and couldn't believe some of the things I've gone through. Funny thing is, I haven't really been through very much when I compare my story with others on here.
I kind of admire your ability to keep things reserved. I've always wished I could be more like that. Maybe someday i'll get used to being a loudmouth.